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Ben & Sam

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Hi Paddy,

Just back from honeymoon and head still whizzing what a perfect week. Thanks to you and Tony (who was amazing) – if we’re ever in need of a DJ in the future we know where to come!

All the best,



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Hey Tony,

Just back from honeymoon and catching up (& still pinching myself!).

It all went great and thanks so much the balance was perfect and when you played ‘Rockin Robin’ and my two little girls were bopping away my heart almost exploded – great choice! Everyone had an absolute hoot and it was just perfect. I can’t wait to see the video. One of my brothers spent most of the night dancing his pants off and once again my heart almost exploded.  THANKS!

So off I toddle into married life with a rather lovely man……….. all the best to you too.  I’ll come calling if we ever need a DJ again.

Cheers fella.


Mrs H!


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