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Erin & Ben

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Hi Simon!

Just wanted to say that we thought you did a stellar job at the wedding – our best man even commented that if he could’ve got you to do his wedding a month later in Canada, he would’ve done! You seemed to achieve the holy grail of keeping everyone happy – we’ve had positive comments from friends to my grandpa. Most of all, we just thought you absolutely killed it – loved all the music!

Erin & Ben xxx
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Just arrived home after all the packing yesterday followed by a quiet night in Harrogate, I just thought I would thank you again for your efforts on the day, I don’t think I have ever been to a wedding where there was never a lull in the dancing, and for putting the father/daughter dance together, from what I was told there was hardly a dry eye in the house.

Thank you again

Phill (father of the bride)

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