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Change the record (sleeves!) Mr DJ!

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At home I’m lucky enough to be able to listen to my vinyl collection on my Dad’s beautiful old Thorens record deck, which he gave me a decade or so ago, and a pretty rare Bang & Olufsen Beomaster 800 stereo receiver from the early 70s, which I found when I worked at a household recycling centre (the dump!) for 3 days after getting home from 18 months travelling in 2002, and remarkably still seemed to work perfectly and sound amazing. It didn’t cost a penny for amazing, beautiful, vintage hi-fi sound, and super cool looks too, and my wife and I love playing music and introducing records at home to our young children. This is a pic from last Christmas, hence the advent tree!

Home Record Deck

Anyway, above the hi-fi we have a small shelf on which to display some of the beautiful artwork from the record sleeves. I mean to change these regularly but rarely get round to it. But the changing season prompted me to change the #records on our shelf and I thought I’d share these with you along with a couple of stories behind them! So, with a long hot summer behind us, it’s time to put these three belters saw us through summer away…

@quanticmusic’s #apricotmorning on @tru_thoughts (both my vinyl copies of this LP are pretty battered as it never left my bag during the 00s.), legendary #nuggets – unsurprisingly a repress as the original is mega rare, and #nigeriasoulfever, a fairly recent compilation of brilliant Nigerian #Disco on @souljazzrecords with sleevenotes by one of my DJ heroes @bill_brewster. All highly recommended!

And to replace them for the cold winter months ahead, we have these three beauties:

So a bit of a chillier to the artwork! More belters though – #coldwatermusic by @aim_atic on #grandcentral is as good a record as anything in UK hip-hop I reckon, great tunes, lovely laid back vibe and top notch drum programming. #thelas one and only record is a true classic, fits on one side of a C90 and impeccable songwriting, still love this as much as ever and I’m delighted that my 4 year old’s current favourite song is #thereshegoes and my 1 year old seems to have #LeeMavers hair. Lastly #ChillOut by #theklf – a different kind of classic but the soundtrack to many a wiggy night out/in and always reminds me of the strange experience of trying to buy Jimmy Cauty’s PA and haggling by offering to pay cash to a man who burned a million quid. He ended up keeping the speakers as they apparently made nice bedside tables.

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